Housekeeping Recipes Basic Ingredients One Needs To Get Started
To Create Your Natural Cleaners At Home
Liquid Castile Soap or Castile Bar Soap (to grate for laundry)
Baking Soda
White Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
That is all you NEED!
*Why Use Vinegar to clean? The answer is here... *
To clean hard surfaces use equal parts of White & Apple Cider Vinegar to wipe down hard surfaces, you can put the mix in a spray bottle or a bowl. To make an abrasive cleaner add borax to make a paste to your desired thickness. Add borax slowly in case it fizzes a bit.
To use in laundry, use a 1/4 C. Baking Soda, 1/4 C. Borax add 1/4 Castile Liquid Soap or 1/2 grated Castile Soap and then to get things extra clean while killing bacteria add a 1/4 C Apple Cider Vinegar.
If you would like to add to that mix you could add...
Lemon Essential Oil
Orange Essential Oil
Lemongrass Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil
Pine Essential Oil
Vegetable Glycerine
If you are looking for a natural cleaning source to kill bacteria on hard surfaces this is the Recipe for you!!
Lemongrass & Lavender Household blend, 16 oz. Recipe
7.0 oz. Distilled Water
7.0 oz. White Vinegar
1.6 oz. Apple Cider Vinegar
0.4 oz. Vegetable Glycerine
Lavender Essential Oil - 40 Drops
Lemongrass Essential Oil – 20 Drops
Orange Essential Oil – 20 Drops
Lemon Essential Oil – 18 Drops
Eucalyptus Essential Oil – 12 Drops
Thyme Essential Oil – 10 Drops
Mix all ingredients together in a new clean 16 oz. household cleaner type spray bottle (this can be purchased most at any Grocery Store or Co-Op). Once all of the ingredients are added into the bottle shake very, very thoroughly several times before using. Avoid eye contact with this recipe. These ingredients are readily available at most any local Food Co-Op or local Herb Store!
More Options
1) This mix can also be put in a spray bottle to use as a room spray. It will kill odor verses adding to the stench!
2) This mix can be used to make a paste for the dishwasher. I use equal parts of Borax and Baking Soda, then add liquid cleaner until I get the desired consistency I want.
3) Washing Machine. I take 1 Cup Borax, 1 Cup Baking Soda, grate approximately 1/2 crated castile soap, mix together and use 1/2 Cup in my Washing Machine. I then pour about 1/8 Cup of the above liquid cleaning mixture in with the Baking Soda mixture. Depending on how dirty the clothes are I might fill the spot for bleach with the liquid cleaner also.
Natural Household Cleaners Can Be Purchased at Vital Earth Traditions !
However, household cleaners are so simple and cheep to make that I encourage you to make them yourselves! Once you have made a few different cleaners, you can tailor make them to your specific likes and needs. This process empowers you as a consumer to know exactly what you want in a cleaner and what you don't like. The cost difference in your monthly cleaning supply bill will simply be huge and you will be helping the environment at the same time!
Happy Green Cleaning!
Cheers, Kelly Lynch Ring
There are many books available about Natural Green Housekeeping and full of fantastic recipes for you to use.
Here are a few books to consider...
The Naturally Clean Home, By: Karyn Siegel-Maier
Organic Housekeeping, By: Ellen Sandbeck
Baking Soda, By: Vicki Lansky
Natural Cleanin For Your Home, 95 Pure and Simple Recipes, By: Casey Kellar
Honey Garlic and Vinegar Home Remedies, By: Dr. Quillen
*THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE/BLOG IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Make sure to keep all these ingredients away from small children and animals. AVOID EYE CONTACT WITH ALL RECIPES AND INGREDIENTS.* The information on this site may be incomplete or up to date with current research. Always research several reliable sources when using herbs & essential oils for anything!